--> Undead Cinema: The Essential Zombie Films【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】|お口の恋人、ゾンビ


Undead Cinema: The Essential Zombie FilmsZombie films have become so popular that sometimes it's hard to sort the good from the bad. Fortunately, this is one genre where, sometimes, the bad is oh-so good. This comprehensive guide to the genre looks at some of the best zombie films out there, from classics such as Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead to incredible films from the 21st Century such as 28 Days Later. Want to know why these films work? You're in the right place, as the first half of the book will introduce you to the ways that zombies have changed in terms of their sociological, psychological and political symbolism and how that's kept pace with the times. From mindless hordes shuffling around a suburban mall looking to consume, even after death, to the victims of genetic tampering gone wrong and viruses that took over the world, zombies have always reflected our worst fears and, to no small degree, given us a way to fight back against them, at least on the big screen. Get ready to learn more about zombies than you ever have before. With a great selection of films that spans decades, you'll have plenty to watch and, with the information that precedes the films, you'll have plenty to chew on, so to speak.Dimensions: 15.24 x 1.78 x 22.86 centimetres (0.5 kg)ゾンビの映画はとても人気が出てきて、悪い人と良い人を分け合うのが難しいこともあります。








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ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 3,135円


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